Life Cycles

Spring is a great time of year to discuss living things and life cycles. From planting seeds that will soon grow into vegetables in our garden or exploring the life cycle of a butterfly, we have a lot going on at SWCDC.

This year, our toddler classrooms will be growing cucumbers, tomatoes and cilantro. Our preschoolers will be growing green beans, tomatoes, snap peas, oregano and basil. This is a great learning experience that helps children understand that food does not come from a grocery store and how living things need to be taken care of in order to grow. They also make a great snack for our children and we usually have extra for our families to take home as well!

This year we have really dived into exploring life cycles. Our biggest excitement right now is hatching chicks from eggs. If you stop by the front desk, you will see them in their incubator until they are ready to hatch. Once they hatch, they will be with us for a week or two before going to their forever home at Marilyn Mae Farm.

We also have caterpillars that will be turning into butterflies, lady bug larva that will become lady bugs, and an ant farm!

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